Monday, January 18, 2010

Innovative ways to save Paper...

Recently I saw an amazing & innovative Ad… The Brand was "idea"… And the Ad was about using mobiles to save trees… Idea has always come up with innovative and creative concept ads.. I am not promoting the brand "Idea" though… And I am not aware of the sales return they get from these ads… But their ads always have a solution for a social issue. I would like to recollect the "Walk and Talk" campaign, the "Education for all" campaign, the campaign where people will be identified by their number and not their caste / race… and now the recent "Save trees" campaign…
Some of the innovative ways to save paper (as per Idea's campaign) were to use the mobile phone:
1. For Air Travel
2. For reading newspaper
3. For signing Autographs
4. For taking Orders
They may seem vague given the current adamant mindset and technology, but let me tell you all this and more is possible using "telecommunications"… lets see if we can develop some sort of a system where the above ideas can be practiced…
1. Using Mobile phone for air travel: The prospective passenger will book the ticket online (using PC / Cell phone), he/she will get an m-ticket (similar to an e-ticket)… That m-ticket will have all the details like fight no, date and time, no of passengers etc along with a system generated security no… This number will be checked by the security before entering the airport… Then the passenger can proceed to obtain a boarding pass… His/her m-ticket can be transferred to a PC via Bluetooth (or via mail) and then after processing, he will get a m-pass (similar to a Boarding Pass)… He can use the m-pass to board the airplane and travel… Obviously, this system can be tightened using secured ways so that passengers cannot tamper with the m-ticket or m-pass… But quite an innovative way to ensure paper is saved…
2. Using Mobile phone for reading newspaper: The system here can be quite simple… Every building / society (group of buildings) will have a server (nothing but a PC)… 'm-paper' will be received from any central server to terminal servers (similar to a traditional distribution network)… Now every user of m-paper will be registered to a certain newspaper (Times of India, Hindustan Times etc)… Once he is in the vicinity of the society, he can access that particular mobile edition of the paper freely from the societies' terminal server… He can save it onto his Cell-phone and can access it from his cell anytime anywhere… If he has not subscribed to any newspaper, he can 'buy it' from any terminal server available searching for it via bluetooth (or WiFi or WiMAX)… Trust me, if such a system comes into place, global warming can be controlled to a great extent… And we dont need to go through another hopeless Copenhagen summit…
3. Using Mobile phone for signing Autographs: Now this is simple Bluetooth transfer… But the end user will have authority to only view the autographed pic and delete it, if needed… Other way would be to just autograph on a touch screen enabled handset belonging to a fan and the fan can then save the edited picture.
4. Using Mobile phone for taking Orders: Another easy Bluetooth / WiFI enabled system… Here even the bill will be transferred to the user and he can pay showing the received bill… We can even go to the extent of user paying the bill via his mobile using m-chek, or any other shopping recharge vouchers…
These are just some of the ways we can reduce paper usage… Wherever paper is used, it can /should be replaced with an electronic version of the paper and can be used with authority, obviously after having proper security systems in place to avoid soft copy tampering… I can assure you that after some years, the old adage "Pen is mightier than a sword" will definitely change to "Thumb is mightier than the Pen"…

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