Saturday, November 17, 2012

Images: During and After the Festival.

During a Festival:

After the Festival:

Please don't get me wrong. I am not against festivities. We Indians love all our festivals irrespective of religion. However, we need to learn to finish what we started. If we are enjoying and celebrating a festival, we need to clean the area before leaving. If we have decorated a particular room, we need to remove the decorations, say a week after the festival is over. If we are bursting fire crackers, we need to clean the road before leaving. I have personally seen people (both big and small in corporate life) cleaning the road and leaving. Humility, to say the least. In corporate life, after a presentation / meeting / conference, we take our stuff with us when we leave the room. We should consider doing the same during and after festivals.

Images - Kind courtesy Google.


  1. Very right. After enjoying we should make it right too.

  2. Well pointed out, Binu! We need to learn to wrap up the things that we scattered in the first place. That is definitely the correct way of doing things.

    1. True Arti. We need to learn to finish what we started.

  3. Its sad that people take public property for granted.

    1. That's the word Anita - "Public". The same thing wont happen in our homes.

  4. yeah so so true Binu hardly anyone cares for the post hazards which is very dangerous!!!

    1. Yes Ramya. The idea is since the place is public, it's everyone's responsibility. Not only ours. And hence, we don't clean up.

  5. Very few of us love the place where we stay and keep it clean! We have always enough excuses to ravage and plunder the nature and our surroundings:(

    1. Right sir. Very few of us love the surrounding. And the acts of god that we are experiencing now-a-days, are actually our wrongdoings.

  6. thats couple of interesting shots and they speak for themselves...

  7. just couple of clicks and they speak for themselves...

  8. Right. Cleanliness begins at home, but shouldn't stop there.


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